I.Bölüm: Kilise Takvimi Üzerine

- Scott David Foutz, www.Quodlibet.net, On the Christian Year and the Use of the Lectionary,

- www.kencollins.com

- horeb.pcusa.org

- www.textweek.com

- www.rca.org

- Weekday Lectionary, a report by the Liturcigal Commission May 1999, GS1341, General Synod of England, Church House Bookshop, London

- http://www2.wcc-coe.org/pressreleasesen.nsf/index/feat-03-15.html

- http://www.textweek.com/yeara/christa.htm

- Give Praise to God, James Montgomery Boice, edited by P.G.Ryken, D.W.H.Thomas, J.L.Duncan III, P-R Publishing, Pillipsburg, New Jersey, 08865-0817, USA


Dedication Festival/Kilisenin Tanrı’ya Adanması CHAIM, Fred Klett,

Box 133, Glenside, PA 19038, (215) 576-7325 Web: www.chaim.org


II.Bölüm, Günlük Kilise Takvimi (Yıl-1/Yıl-2), Kilise Takvimi (A-B-C Yılı):

- The Christian Year, Lectionary, Calendar and Collects, Church House Publishing, London

 - The Boof of Common Worship,1993 Westminster/Jhon Knox Press, Book of Common Worship, Kentucky

- 1997 The Lectionary BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- 1999 The Lectionary CW-BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- 2000 The Lectionary CW-BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- The Book of Common Prayer, Protestant Episcopal Church in USA, The Church Hymnal Corp, 800 second ave, NY 10017, USA

- The Book of Common Worship, PCUSA, 1946


III. BÖLÜM: İbadet Düzeni İçindeki Unsurlar: İbadetin Açılışı, Mezmurlar ve Dua, İtiraf Duaları ve Yakarışlar, Aydınlanma Duaları, Aracılık Duaları, Rab’bin Sofrası için Dualar, Şükran Duaları, Ondalık ve Sunular, Tapınma İlahileri, Bereketleme ve Yüceltmeler

- Leading in Prayer, Hughes Oliphant Old, William B. Eerrdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

- O Come, Let Us Worship, Robert G. Rayburn, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, USA.

- Give Praise to God, James Montgomery Boice, edited by P.G.Ryken, D.W.H.Thomas, J.L.Duncan III, P-R Publishing, Pillipsburg, New Jersey, 08865-0817, USA


Haftanın selamlama/bereketleme ayetleri:



Ondalık ve Sunular

- Pastor’s Annual, the Zondervan, 1997, Grand Rapids, MI, USA



Rab’bin Sofrasından Sonra

- Patterns for Prayer, CDR, CRC publications, Grand Rapids, MI, USA


Vaftiz, Evlilik, Cenaze Töreni, Cenazenin Defnedilmesi, Hastalar İçin, Kilise Üyeliğine Kabul

- The Boof of Common Worship,1993 Westminster/Jhon Knox Press,

- Book of Common Worship, Kentucky, USA.


Doğumdan Sonra Ev Ziyareti

İbadete Katılamayan için Rab’bin Sofrası, Kilise Görevlilerinin Atanması

- The Book of Common Prayer, Protestant Episcopal Church in USA, The Church

- The Book of Common Worship, PCUSA, 1946


Kilise Görevlilerinin Atanması, Cemaatlerin Birlikte İbadeti, Misyoner Gönderilmesi, Misyon ve Müjdeleme

- 1997 The Lectionary BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- 1999 The Lectionary CW-BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- 2000 The Lectionary CW-BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London




- 1997 The Lectionary BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- 1999 The Lectionary CW-BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- 2000 The Lectionary CW-BCP-ASB, SPCK Publishing, London

- The Boof of Common Worship,1993 Westminster/Jhon Knox Press, Book of Common Worship, Kentucky